Elbow wrote:
> I got a budget to build a muisc pc for my bar,
> I want to get the parts and build it but not sure if its cheaper top
> buy off the internet or go to Akihabara.
> My Japanese is limited so is it worth ordering from the internet from
> the USA for parts?
> What should one do if they cant read japanese so therefore cant view
> the japanese sites for aprts?

What I'd do is use the Internet to figure out what components you want
(using English language sites), then make a shopping list and (at least
if you're near Tokyo) go to Akihabara. One advantage of doing things
this way is that you can usually download English documentation from
the manufacturer's site, which can be very helpful sometimes.

If you're buying components in the manufacturer's box, it isn't unusual
these days for the prices of components in the country of origin to be
lower than what you'll find in Akihabara, even with shipping, but most
warranties aren't good outside the country of purchase, so in general
I'd only buy from abroad if (a) you don't care about the warranty, or
(b) the component comes with bundled software that you need and which
would be expensive to buy off the shelf, and (c) you're willing to put
up with the hassle.

You can also reduce the price of locally-bought stuff by going through
OEM companies like Buffalo. There it's important to know exactly what
you want and be able to recognize it from the specs and/or appearance.