Eric Takabayashi wrote:

> Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
>>>The entertainment companies are being harsh to make examples of people.
>>Which was the point I tripped over my own feet trying to make the last
>>time this topic came up. We don't treat most copyright infringement as a
>>criminal offense, which puts the entertainment industry in a really
>>nasty position. With shoplifting, the police at least pretend to care,
>>and will run the kid through the police station and try frighten him out
>>of repeating it. With major theft of physical goods, they will undertake
>>criminal prosecution, which makes winning the later civil case for
>>damages much easier. With file swapping, you get kids "infringing" a
>>half-million dollars in music, and nothing happening to them unless the
>>entertainment industry sues. With physical goods, little Johnny would be
>>on the rock-pile, and mom and dad would be locked up as accessories. We
>>have placed the burden of law-enforcement on private companies, who have
>>to finance the investigation and prosecution on their own behalf, and
>>then wonder why they act so ruthlessly. We haven't given them much of a
>>choice. The police aren't able to act, the criminal courts aren't able
>>to act, the legislatures won't pass corrective legislation to equate
>>copyright infringment with theft.
> So what was that old news story?

I'll have to research the actual text of the law ... it would make me
very happy if the Congress legally equated copyright infringement with