On Thu, 26 May 2005 17:44:57 +0900, "mr.sumo.snr."
<mr_sumo@hotmail.com> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:

>"Michael Cash" <mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote in message 
>> I use the 30GB version of this:
>> http://www.nomadworld.com/products/jukebox_zen_nx/
>> The same company makes various other models, look around the site. Got
>> mine through Yodobashi Camera.
>> I don't know about other brands, but the management software that
>> ships with Creative brand players S U C K S. Check out
>> http://www.redchairsoftware.com for an excellent solution.
>I have the exact same Nomad Zen model - but wouldn't get one again because 
>of the lack of drag and drop.  I guess it helps cut down on piracy.  But 
>anyway if I was a student I'd definitely want something I could plug into my 
>mate's computer and steal his music collection - and pRon files too.
>I've basically stopped using this Nomad and instead bought one of the 
>Creative USB stick players for about 7000 yen.  They are just simple drag 
>and drop.

Notmad from Red Chair gives you drag and drop for your Nomad, and much


The very first day I had my player I spent a couple of very
frustrating hours trying to use the atrocious software that ships with
it, then went online and googled around until I found Notmad (which
gets my nomination for best product name ever). I bought it and love


Michael Cash

"Clowns to the left of me and jokers to the right, Mr. Cash.
Clowns and jokers."

                                Prof. Ernest T. Bass
                                Mount Pilot College