B Robson wrote:

>>>>> Why don't you and Gowen go and throw rocks at poor people? A
>>>>> couple of self made men like you and Gowen seem to get on well
>>>>> together, and abusing poor people seems like your style too.
>>>> Yes! There it is, that splendid reading comprehension skill that we
>>>> have all come to know and love. Criticism of someone for her
>>>> obvious abuse of a system designed to give assistance to the poor
>>>> is understood by you to be the equivalent of "throwing rocks at
>>>> poor people" or "abusing" them. Perhaps we could take up a
>>>> collection of books for you Brett that you could use to practice.
>>> No, Gowen specifically refered to "his" money which of course is
>>> hypocritical, a point lost on you. That is the third time I have
>>> explained it. Do you get it now? Need to use a bigger font?
>> Common tactic: cover up your own stupidity by making a point that has
>> nothing to do with the one you made one (not two) post back and to
>> which I responded.
> You seem to have forgotten, this is what we are discussing
>   "Any beer bought with my money will be bought by ME!"

Wow, you stick to the tactic even after it has been pointed out...

>> It
>> doesn't matter how long he has been working. State and federal taxes
>> are being deducted from every one of his paychecks.
> He has paid tax on both of them?

Paid taxes on both of what? I just said that state and federal taxes are
being deducted from the money he has earned. Is that not paying taxes?

>> Simultaneously, the
>> government is cutting checks for the woman trying to buy her beer on
>> the government's dime.
> Can you get someone to translate this into English please, not the
> strange dialect you use? I am quite sure the meaning you have written
> is quite different to the one you want to convey. "Cutting checks", I
> am quite sure the current administration wants to increase checks on
> buying beer with foodstamps.

Sorry, I have lost you with a few fairly common idioms and big words, or are
you deliberately playing stupid for lack of a point to make here. Try this:
"At the same time [that Kevin is paying state and federal taxes], the
government is paying money [i.e. cutting checks or writing checks] to the
woman who is trying to buy beer with the government's money."

>> Do you suppose the government takes Gowen's deductions
>> and puts it into a special account earmarked only for the national
>> guard and the armed services, or do you think some portion of his
>> taxes are being paid out to the woman abusing her food stamps? Shall
>> I draw a diagram for you Brett?
> Gowen seems to have made the point already. The women was trying to
> spend *his* money on beer.

Exactly. And she is spending the money of everyone else who pays Floriday
state taxes as well.

>> And the other point you made in this thread is essentially that
>> anyone who has ever been in a position of not supporting themself
>> (even though not necessarily by accepting government handouts) loses
>> their right to criticize people who take advantage of government
>> assistance.
> TAX, Gowen and I are talking about TAX. I am sure you have paid tax,
> you can freely criticise poor people for abusing their most generous
> welfare payments. As for me, I am glad I come from a country that
> doesn't have an underclass.

Yes of course:


>> So I was in
>> school for 3 of the past 6 years, living off of my wife's paycheck
>> and an occasional student loan, which I am dutifully paying back as
>> we type. But criticism of welfare, and particularly those who abuse
>> it, is now off limits to me forever more. Brilliant Brett. Please
>> use a bigger font and type MY NAME IS BRETT AND I'M A COMPLETE IDIOT
> Seems like you aren't just Gowen's bitch, you are your wife's bitch as
> well. Do have testicles?

Yes! There's the Brett I was expecting.

> Anyway, I am sure you will point out to all those welfare buldgers
> that they are spending your, I mean your wife's, hard earned tax.
> Hell, it's your right as a self made man, I mena, self made bitch.

Actually, my wife didn't have to pay taxes during the last year or so
because she was a Japanese national working at the Japanese consulate. And
I've already paid way more in state and federal income tax during the last 3
years than she did in the first two. So yes, although Gowen's welfare
cheater was in Florida, there are plenty of people in California who are
spending my money with their food stamps. Most of them I have no problem
with. But I have big problems with those who are abusing the system.

>>> His abuse, which you condone, is insulting the person AFTER having
>>> been rejected. Of course, I don't believe Gowen has the guts to
>>> actually say something like that directly to a person, not even a
>>> small old person. (it must rankle him being in a shop with poor
>>> people)
>> The rejection has nothing to do with it. His remark would have been
>> appropriate before during and after rejection, or even if she hadn't
>> been rejected. She was ABUSING THE SYSTEM Brett.
> Lucky there are people like you and Gowen, or at least the way he
> wants to be, that can stop the abuse. How many abuses did you stop
> today? Super Jeff!!! You could write a manga!

God Brett, can't you pay attention just for a few posts here? It was the
teen working the register who stopped the abuse. Kevin just pointed out to
her why she was rightfully being prevented from buying beer.

>>> You, however I can imagine doing exactly that.
>> Come on. You can do better than that. You're the guy who gets
>> downright nasty with people when they disagree with you as a way of
>> deflecting the fact that you can't seem to say anything that makes
>> any sense, aren't you Brett?
> You didn't deny it.

Actually, I doubt that I would say anything like that to someone. But I
still think it is hilarious that Kevin did. Does that still make me an
abuser of the poor?

>>> Once again it is left to you to explain what Gowen really means. Do
>>> you get tired of this? "Gowen's Poodle" might be the common
>>> venacular in your parts.
>> No need to explain anything to anyone who has even a modicum of
>> reading comprehension skill. Gambare!
>  From what I have heard Keiko runs a pretty tight household. Nice to
> know Gowen has got you as a bitch.
> I hope you enjoyed your Happy Christmas beer. I've heard married
> people look forward to Christmas and birthdays. Did you get a fuck?

Yes folks, Brett is back. Nice finish.

> Remind me to tell you about my Christmas one day.

Couldn't get laid again this year eh Brett?