On Sat, 03 Jul 2004 16:15:10 +0900, tm <tm@tmoero.invalid> wrote:

>> I'll admit it, tm, among my many weaknesses letting trolls push my
>> buttons is a big one.

>There is a huge difference between trolls. Many people troll for witty 
>responses. Others just want any response. You gotta know the 
>difference. Right now, I'm expecting a witty response cuz the whole 
>flaming- you're an asshole, no you're an asshole, no you're a homo, no 
>you're a homo, no you're a pedo, no you're a pedo- thing gets old real 

I think you're a nice guy and I really appreciate the troll tips.
>> Cheers,


I watched C.H.I.P.S religiously when I was 10. 
