
In article <3990540news.pl@rananim.ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
Shinji KONO <kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp> writes:
> これって、ネットニュースの配送を妨害するためだけのSPAMなんですかね。


> フィルタしてしまっているところも多いんでしょうけど、google は、なんか
> 対策してくれるんでしょうか?

 n.a.n-a.p のこの記事から始まる thread が参考になるかな.

In article <ts7bk050aj6k0e33kpala6mnj5f2rj9op3@4ax.com>
Lionel <nop@alt.net> writes:
% Newsgroups: news.admin.net-abuse.policy
% Subject: [net-abusive news providers] Google no longer even pretends to act on abuse reports
% Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 13:33:54 +0000 (UTC)
% Any report at all to the abuse address in the header of a Google post is
% now ignore-botted with the following response:
% ------------
% To: "Lionel" <nop@alt.net>
% Subject: Re: [#14262774] Why is it necessary for the official votetaker
% to post email addresses?
% From: groups-abuse@google.com
% Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 13:10:45 -0000
% Thank you for your note. Google does not regularly monitor or censor
% postings sent to Google Groups, but we do try to prevent wide-scale spam
% and other forms of Usenet abuse. While we appreciate how annoying
% off-topic posts can be, we aren't able to pursue most complaints we
% receive about them. We've found that in most cases, it's much more
% effective for group members to express their displeasure directly to the
% spammer. You can contact the individual directly through his or her
% email
% address or by replying to the post within the group. For more
% information,
% please see our Terms and Conditions at
% http://groups.google.com/googlegroups/posting_terms.html
% Replies to this email address will not be received. If you have a
% general
% Google Groups question or wish to report a post that you suspect is
% illegal, please write to us at groups-support@google.com
% ------------
% Note that this was in response to a report of a BI>20 post.
% Combine this charming attitude with the facts that they now strip out
% the user's IP address, & encourage their users to post with throwaway
% email addresses, (see the last item on the page in the above link), &
% it's clear that Google has zero interest in being good netizens.
% So, is there anything that can be done about it?
Tsukamoto, C. : chiaki@kit.ac.jp