John P. Mullen wrote:
> BfB wrote:
>> John P. Mullen wrote:
>>> BfB wrote:
>>>> John P. Mullen wrote:
>>>>> BfB wrote:
>>>>>> <snip>
>>>>>> While all you America haters are patting yourselves on the back, 
>>>>>> China is eating your lunch. Tsk tsk. Step in the pot the water is 
>>>>>> comfortably warm.....
>>>>> We don't hate the USA, just King George.
>>>>> BTW, isn't the US one of China's biggest trading partners?
>>>>> Seems that way when I shop, anyhow.
>>>> Your point was?
>>> Your arrow was aimed at the wrong target.
>>> John Mullen
>> How so?
> Well, if you can't figure it out by now, there's no point going on.

Surrender if you like, not surprising when pressed for rational thought.