Snipped from:  George W. Bush and Black Holes!

....For the record, and just in case you do happen to get pulled into a 
black hole, rest assured that you wouldn’t really feel anything terribly 
unusual at first.  If the hole was a really big one, you wouldn’t be 
torn apart until you were about half a million kilometers from the 
center.  Imagine that.  Even as you were being pulled towards certain 
doom you might not suspect that anything was terribly wrong.

I suppose, when it comes it black holes, in a way, bigger is better.

And in a way, a really big black hole has formed right here on earth, 
and right here in the good old USA.  And in a most precarious way, we 
all are dangerously close to the boundary from which there is no return. 
  For in an undeniable and almost inevitable way there is a direct nexus 
between a barely discernible black hole in our own land and the reign of 
George W. Bush.

For the sake of simplicity, let’s call it the Bush Black Hole and 
understand that we can’t see into its abyss because black holes are 
devoid of light.  But if we take a look around, we become painfully 
aware of the things that have disappeared from our lives in the past 
seven years, never ever to be seen again.  Some vanished in secret while 
others were tossed into the chasm with arrogant disregard of all that we 
once were as a nation.

No matter how it came to pass, so much of value has crossed a mysterious 
boundary into the oblivion of the Bush Black Hole.  Tragically, much of 
what has disappeared has not yet been missed by so many Americans.  They 
don’t have a clue that so much that was so vital to their lives has been 
hauled forever into the bowels of this administration....

To understand what has been thrown into the Bush Black Hole: