I say get over it dick head,  that was too long ago to worry about.  I was
not alive then as most of the people in the US and Japan.  Why should a 25
year old apoligize for something they had nothing to do with, that is
totally stupid.  It is like the Afro Americans want and and apoligize and
money from the US government for the days of slavery 150 years ago.  Totally
fucking stupid.

"Gene" <Gene@nowhere.com> wrote in message
>   Yesterday, was the 60th anniversery of the dropping of the bomb on
> Hiroshima. But in that time, have we received an apology for the
> digusting and BRUTAL crimes committed by the japs on our servicemen?
>   Today, we trade with Japan, but they still sit there, thinking how
> they got away with fucking over our brave men and never once saying
> "Gee, we really shouldn't have done that" And continuing to complain
> about us blowing their shit to the four winds.
>   I say "Slap a Jap for US revenge" as we'll NEVER get any decent
> reparrations from those bastards. And don't start whining about the
> USA having put the ones in the US in "Interment Camps" it is well
> known many were spies and we stopped the little bastards cold!